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알리 익스프레스에 쪽지온거 해석좀 부탁드려도 될까요
게시물ID : overseabuy_1859짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 오피스넥스
추천 : 0
조회수 : 1447회
댓글수 : 3개
등록시간 : 2015/04/09 10:54:35
  • 베스트금지
제가 이판매자를 곤란하게 한거같은데

2014-11-20 21:54:10

Hi, if you are not satify with 55% refund, how about 60% refund?
if you have any idea , could you tell me ?
look forward to your reply .
best regards,

Xujun Yuan
2014-11-19 00:14:20

Are you there?

Xujun Yuan
2014-11-17 01:27:09

Hi, if you are not satify with 50% refund, how about 55% refund?
if you have any idea , could you tell me ?
look forward to your reply .
best regards,

Xujun Yuan
2014-11-14 01:41:11

Could you just take 1 min to reply me?

Xujun Yuan
2014-11-13 01:31:34

Hi, if you are not satify with 45% refund, how about 50% refund?
if you have any idea , could you tell me ?
look forward to your reply .
best regards,

Xujun Yuan
2014-11-12 01:08:52

Are you there?
Could you take 1 min to reply me?

Xujun Yuan
2014-11-11 01:17:45

Hi, if you are not satify with 40% refund, how about 45% refund?
if you have any idea , could you tell me ?
look forward to your reply .
best regards,

Xujun Yuan
2014-11-10 00:26:04

Dear, are you there?
Could you just take 1 min to tell me your idea?

Xujun Yuan
2014-11-09 01:14:09

Hi, if you are not satify with 35% refund, how about 40% refund?
if you have any idea , could you tell me ?
look forward to your reply .
best regards,

Xujun Yuan
2014-11-07 01:28:49

Dear, could you take 1 min to tell us your idea?
We will try our best to help you.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Have a nice day!

Xujun Yuan
2014-11-06 01:16:23

Hi, if you are not satify with 30% refund, how about 35% refund?
if you have any idea , could you tell me ?
look forward to your reply .
best regards,

Xujun Yuan
2014-11-04 00:31:27

Dear, could you take 1 min to tell me your idea?
We really want to make you feel much better with this purchase.

Xujun Yuan
2014-11-02 01:53:48

Hi, if you are not satify with 25% refund, how about 30% refund?
if you have any idea , could you tell me ?
look forward to your reply .
best regards,

Xujun Yuan
2014-10-31 01:40:17

Are you there?
Could you take 1 min to reply me?

Xujun Yuan
2014-10-29 02:05:28

Hi, if you are not satify with 20% refund, how about 25% refund?
if you have any idea , could you tell me ?
look forward to your reply .
best regards,

Xujun Yuan
2014-10-26 23:58:31

Hi, dear,
could you just take 1 min to reply me?
Leaving neutral feedback can’t solve the problem, right?
Pls just feel free to tell me your idea? I will try my best to help you.
Looking forward to your reply.
Have a nice day!

Xujun Yuan
2014-10-26 01:07:23

Hi, if you are not satify with 15% refund, how about 20% refund?
if you have any idea , could you tell me ?
look forward to your reply .
best regards,

Xujun Yuan
2014-10-24 00:24:43

Hi, leaving neutral feedback is not helpful for solving the problem, right?
if you have any idea , could you tell me ?
look forward to your reply .
best regards,

Xujun Yuan
2014-10-23 01:04:26

dear friend ,
so sorry to bother you .
i have checked out that gave me 3 stars feedback and you mean you are not satisfy the item,could you kindly give me one chance to solve it ?
i understand your feeling , and you could not happy for this Purchasing.
We will be responsible for it,i could refund 15% payment for you as a compensation ?and could you kindly revise the feedback to 5 starts good feedback ?if you have any idea , could you tell me ?
look forward to your reply .
best regards,

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