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외국기업이 외국인에게 원하는 영어수준은 이 정도
게시물ID : emigration_1673짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : volatile
추천 : 17
조회수 : 3038회
댓글수 : 54개
등록시간 : 2016/05/30 14:16:45
  • 창작글
해외취업이나 유학, 이민을 생각하는 사람들이 어려워하는 부분은 당연히 영어이고, 막연히 어느정도 수준의 영어가 필요한지 다들 궁금해한다.
그러므로 정확히 어느정도 수준의 영어가 있어야 해외에서 일할수 있을지를 가늠할수 있는 가이드를 제공하려고 한다.

여러 영어시험중 그 실용성으로 좋은 평가를 받고 있는 시험은 바로 IELTS이다. Reading, Listening, Writing, Speaking 4영역을 9점만점으로 나눠서 평가해주는데 딱 점수가 나오는 R/L과 달리 Writing, Speaking은 명확한 기준이 뭔지 다들 미심쩍어한다. 시험을 잘봤다고 생각하는데도 점수가 안나오는 경우가 있고 못봤다고 생각하는데도 괜찮게 나오는 경우도 있어서 기준이 뭔지도 모르겠고 운빨이라 생각하는 경우도 많은데, 그렇지는 않다고 생각한다. 단순히 영어의 문제뿐 아니라 주제에 맞게 대답했는지, 단어의 수준은 어떤지, 등등 아주 많은 요소가 존재하기 때문이다. 보통 얘기하는 수준의 IELTS는

Band 6: 전문 기술을 가지고 있는 사람이 외국계에서 일할수 있는 최저수준
Band 7: 전문직이 업무에 크게 지장이 없는 수준의 영어
Band 8: 비기술직의 업무에 필요한 수준의 영어

정도로 분류된다. 내 경우 IT개발자였고 Band 7이 필요해서 오랜시간을 투자해서 Speaking/Writing을 Band 7까지 끌어올렸는데, 이때 썼던 글들이 Band 7에 필요한 요소를 전부 갖추고 있다고 생각된다.  애매한 Speaking은 따로 정확한 가이드라인을 줄수 없지만 내 Writing 샘플들을 읽고 "이 정도는 나도 쓰겠는데?" 라는 생각이 든다면 이미 해외취업에 필요한 영어수준은 갖춰졌다고 생각해도 좋다 (물론 Speaking 연습은 필요하다).
다른 엄청잘쓴 Band 8이나 9의 글들도 많지만 그 글들은 실질적으로 일반인이 쓰긴 힘든수준들이고 Band 7예제는 찾기가 힘들거라 생각된다. 

1) https://docs.google.com/document/d/11H_kQL3uXMR2CSiVa_R46tj4dOuWhd7xF2RSDLM-ipo/edit

2) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Wik4ZCh8qRNTn23H4haeHu2aCuFr5nu1VYvqmUGQNUM/edit

3) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gD2zfUg7tDE8jHy7CY4sN-lrfNJB4LlPSh4K_UBFL5U/edit

4) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qaMaSSjC7Px0dSUkqPjva5qHkTjAh6ES6RUokCDXI5o/edit

편지 한통과 에세이 한개를 견본으로 첨부 한다. 

You have applied a course to a college in Australia, but you still have not received the reply. Write a letter to the principal to state:

- Give details about the course that you have applied

- Why apply for that college/course

- Give reasons why you need them to respond you as soon as possible

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing this letter in connection with the application that I sent to your college one month ago. I am supposed to receive the result by last weekend, but I have not received anything yet.

I am Kim, and my candidate number is 123456. The course I applied is for doctorate degree for embedded computing. I sent the application form 15th of February, which is one month ago from now.

I have been working for more than one decade as an embedded software developer, and I need a breakthrough to set myself more competitive than others in this field. One of my colleagues who finished the same course at your college recommended that I apply. He told me that the course is not only effective, but also has an edge over other courses. Acquiring the diploma from your college would ensure me to be able to continue my career.

Although I am in favor of the course and your college, I got an admission from other prestige college. Therefore, I must inform them whether I am going to take the offer or not as soon as possible.

I would appreciate it if you inform me the result as soon as possible so that I could make the decision. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,


Some people argue that the technology such as mobile phone destroys social interaction. Do you agree or disagree? Give your reasons and use your own knowledge or examples to discuss

These days, many people are becoming more concerned about the disadvantages of the technology, especially mobile phones. It seems to me that they believe the use of mobile phone is eliminating social interactions, as we do not need to meet one another in person. However, I personally believe that the benefits of the technology outweigh its minor demerits.

I admit that people tend not to meet others since we started carrying mobile phones. Instead of paying a visit to friends’ and relatives’ home, we just make a phone call to say even extremely important matters. As a result, people easily grow apart from each other, as they are not emotionally attached anymore due to lack of having face-to-face meetings.

Even though the technology makes people vulnerable to emotional connections, it still presents a wide variety of advantages. For instance, in terms of maintaining relationships, mobile phone and instant messenger are the most effective way to keep in touch with a number of acquaintances. No matter the person’s location or circumstances, we can leave a text message or an email so that the person could open it at his or her most convenient time. Furthermore, the use of social network systems such as Twitter and Facebook broadens the extent of relationships a lot wider these days.

In my case, I occasionally make a phone call or leave a message to my friends whom I barely meet these days due to my hectic schedule. I have no doubt that I would have lost them a long time ago, as it is almost impossible to meet them in person. With the help of those advanced inventions, I am able to stay as a close friend, a caring son and a family man.

To conclude, the advanced technology is a double-edged sword, as it has gains and downsides. Therefore, to enjoy only its benefits, we should be aware of the way on how to maximize its excellent merits.

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