From: Rafaeltorres@NYCTraffic. to : Traffic Solutions Committe, New York Ny Subject:Our next meeting This committee wants to find a solution to the traffic problem in New York City. Last Month, I studied solutions from other cities around the world. Please read this informtion before our next meeing. Traffic solutions in the United States - Seattle, Washington has bike lanes on many streets Commuters don"t worry about heavy traffic, and they feel healthy because they ride their bikes. -Atlanta, Georgia has an online traffic map. the map shows commuters where there is heavy traffic. Drivers can check the traffic on theircomputeres at home. People need a little extra time in the morning to check the online map. -the State of connecticut has a "Deduct-a-Ride"program. Commuters sae money if they don't use their cars. they pay lower taxes when they use public buses and trains. But some people still have to drive because they do not work near public transportation -Washington, D.C., ha high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes. Hov lanes are for cars with three or more people. Traffic move much faster in HOV lanes because there are fewer cars. Unfortunately, some people have to drive work alone because they do not live near co-workeres. -Boston, Massahusetts, had its "Big Dig"project. The project put part of l-93, the main highway, in a tunnel under the city. The area is beautiful. They planned $2.8 billion for the Big Dig. By the end, however, it cost more than $14.6 billion. people in Massachusetts are not happy about that. Traffic Solutions internationally -In Sao Paulo, Brazil, some people use helicopters to get around the city. Taking a helicopter is fast and easy. But mot people can't do this because helicopters are very expensive. -Manila, Philippines, has a commuter train along the center of major highway. instead of driving, pealpe ride the train. this is convenient for people who live near the train -Bangkok, Thailand, has a skytrain. It's like the subway but not underground. It is about 14 miles (23Km) long. It is clean, fast, and on time Traffic in Bangkok is a little better now -London and Singapore have a traffic tax for people who drive in the center of the city. the xax is about $8 per car. It works. There is less traffic, and people use public transportation more. Some people say it is not fair. they say that only people with a lot of money can drive in the city because the tax is expensive.
Can New York use any of these solution? Please think about this information carefullly. We will discuss it at our next meeting on Monday at 10:00 A.m See you then Rafael