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일단 맨유 포그바에135m 질렀다네요
게시물ID : soccer_160207짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : Manrinho
추천 : 2
조회수 : 1430회
댓글수 : 12개
등록시간 : 2016/07/03 23:19:36
Manchester United have made a €135m Euros bid for Pogba according to sources close to the deal and chief Ed Woodward will fly
To Turin to close the deal next week but Manchester United are waiting for Pogba answer but sources are still confident of the deal going
Trough even if he says no as the Juve will find it hard to rejected a €135m Euros bid offer for Pogba this summer .
Jose Mourinho rejected Andre Gomes signing he that confident of getting Pogba to Manchester United and he hopes his phone call will be the

일단 무리뉴 요청으로 우드워드가 유베에 135m지름.
담주 우드워드 협상하러 투린감. 맨유는 포그바의 대답을 기다리고있음.
무리뉴는 포그바딜에 자신감을 가지고있기에 안데레 고메스 딜은 거절했음.
무리뉴가 직접 포그바에 전화했다고...
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