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게시물ID : humordata_1907004짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 마섬이
추천 : 4
조회수 : 1844회
댓글수 : 2개
등록시간 : 2021/06/04 15:23:46
  • 펌글

1. Pfizer-BioNTech

   Price: $19.50 per dose for first 100 million doses

   Efficacy: About 95%. Apparently 100% at preventing hospitalization and death.

2. Moderna

   Price: $25-$37 per dose

   Efficacy: About 95%. Apparently 100% at preventing hospitalization and death.

3.AstraZeneca-University of Oxford

   Price: $2.15 (U.S.) in the EU; $3-4 (U.S.) in the UK and U.S.; $5.25 (U.S.) in South Africa

   Efficacy: Currently about 70% overall.

4. Janssen(Johnson & Johnson)

   Price: $10 per dose

   Efficacy: In J&J’s global clinical trial, it demonstrated 66% efficacy at preventing symptomatic COVID-19 infections. In the U.S. it was slightly higher, 72%. Appears to be 100% effective at preventing hospitalizations and death.

5. Russia’s Sputnik V Vaccine

   Price: $10 per dose

   Efficacy: 91.4%

6. Sinovac Biotech(China)

   Price: $60 per dose in China ($29.75 per dose)

   Efficacy: 50.38% to 91.25%, depending on the clinical trial


   Price: $16 in the US

   Efficacy: 89.3%

8.CanSino Biologics(China)

   Price: Unknown

   Likely EUA Date: Not applicable in the U.S.

   Efficacy: 65.7% at preventing symptomatic cases; 90.98% efficacy in preventing severe disease.

9.Bharat Biotech (India’s Bharat Biotech)

   Price: ₹150 or about $2 (U.S.), although that appears to be the low-end of the open-market price in India

   Efficacy: 100% against severe infection; 78% against mild, moderate and severe; 70% against asymptomatic


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출처 : 


출처 https://www.biospace.com/article/comparing-covid-19-vaccines-pfizer-biontech-moderna-astrazeneca-oxford-j-and-j-russia-s-sputnik-v/
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