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레고 공식홈피에서 구매했는데 이게 뭔가요..
게시물ID : overseabuy_1499짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 곰부럴만진놈
추천 : 1
조회수 : 2012회
댓글수 : 5개
등록시간 : 2015/01/09 13:49:23
레고 공식홈페이지에서 레고를 구매를 했어요.
배대지는 위메프박스 OR센터이고..
근데 오더히스토리에 주문번호를 아무리 쳐도 내역이 안나오길래
혹시 메일로 들어가 보았더니


Thanks for shopping on LEGO.com.

Unfortunately, your recent LEGO® order couldn’t be processed with the shipping address provided and we’ve had to cancel the order as a result.

Protecting your personal information is very important to us. To ensure your privacy and the quality of our service, we’ve decided to no longer send orders placed with freight forwarding or third-party shipping addresses. 

If you’d like to provide us with a residential address, please call us at (800) 835-4386 and we’ll be happy to help you place your order again.

Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns about your order.

Kind regards,

Your LEGO Service team

PS. If you need to contact us, please call us on the phone number above. Don’t reply to this email because your message won’t be accepted by our system.

이런식으로 왔어요.
제가 요청한 배송대행지 주소로는 못온다는 뜻인가요?? 이거 결제 취소가 된거라고 하는거 같은데 취소가 된건가요..?
아.. 영어가 약해서 완벽한 해석을 할수가 없네요...

이거 어떻게 주문을 해야하는건지.. 원
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