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★계엄령 문건의 진실을 밝히기 위한 청원에 많이들 동참해 주세요 ★
게시물ID : sisa_1144837짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 정의도우미
추천 : 9
조회수 : 917회
댓글수 : 4개
등록시간 : 2019/10/27 06:42:20
계엄령문건의 진실을 파헤치기 위한 백악관 청원 내용입니다.  

천만이넘는 촛불시민을 폭도로 몰아 2광주사태를 유발하려고 했던 엄중한 사안이기 때문에 반드시 진실을 밝혀내야 합니다이제는검찰도 믿을 없고 언론도 믿을 없기 때문에 미국 정부가 사전에 이런 사실을 알고 있었는지 여부를 밝혀 달라고 요청할 밖에 없습니다.


청원에싸인하면 본인한테 확인 이메일이 가는데 "Action Needed: Verify your signature" 라는 제목의 이메일을 열고 "Confirm your signature by clicking here" Click 해야만비로서 청원이 완성됩니다많이들동참해 주시기 바랍니다.

We the people ask the federal government to Tell us what the federal government is doing about an issue:

South Korea: Truth about the declaration of martial law planned by the former Park's government

Created by Y.C. on October 22, 2019


We the people of S. Korea demand that the U.S. government reveals the truth about the declaration of the martial law planned and signed by Hwang Kyo-an, the acting President at the time of Park’s detainment for her crimes in 2016.

The U.S. government must confirm whether it was aware of military movement in Korea that would have made its strong ally fall into political turmoil just like that in Gwangju People’s Uprising for Democracy in 1980. The military plot reveals that tanks, armored vehicles, troops would be deployed to suppress the unprecedented peaceful candlelight demonstrations in human history with millions of people unarmed and unharmed.

We demand the fact whether the U.S. government confirmed and endorsed such a cruel plan to attack the civilians or covered up the truth.

출처 https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/south-korea-truth-about-declaration-martial-law-planned-former-parks-government
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