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아마존 99 달러 환불중 해석좀요
게시물ID : overseabuy_1464짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 게시판이음란
추천 : 0
조회수 : 754회
댓글수 : 2개
등록시간 : 2014/12/30 19:36:48
Belle:Hello Sang, my name is Belle. 오후 7:31:02
Belle:How may I help you? 오후 7:31:08
Me:hello오후 7:31:19
Me:i want to cancel my amazon prime service오후 7:32:00
Me:and오후 7:32:09
Me:please re fund the prime service pay ment asap오후 7:32:54
Belle:We regret to know that you want to cancel the Prime. Rest assured that I will look into it and check what I can do to help. 오후 7:33:05
Belle:May I know why you want it cancelled? 오후 7:33:14
Me:i really appreciate for your help오후 7:33:52
Belle:Could you please verify the last 4 digits and expiration date of the card that has been charged?오후 7:34:14
Belle:Sang, are we still connected? 오후 7:36:40
Belle:I've canceled your Amazon Prime subscription. You'll automatically receive an e-mail message confirming your full refund of the $99.00 membership fee. Refunds typically process within 2-3 business days and appear as a credit on your bank statement.오후 7:37:06
Me:thank you오후 7:37:39
Belle:You are most welcome, sang. 오후 7:38:05
Belle:Is there anything else I may assist you?
이렇게됬는 데 잘된건가요  해석좀요 ㅠㅠ
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