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Mopn Chung-In 문정인 구글에서 뉴스 찾아보면, 뇌피셜 아님
게시물ID : sisa_1053574짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 쓰던닉넴털림
추천 : 3
조회수 : 1014회
댓글수 : 0개
등록시간 : 2018/05/03 11:34:46
  • 창작글

우리나라 영자 뉴스는 빼고...
보이는 것만 봅시다.

일단 뉴스가 나온 것은 영국이랑 일본임

영국 https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/north-korea-south-us-troops-trump-moon-jae-in-withdraw-summit-a8332046.html
일본 https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2018/05/02/asia-pacific/south-koreas-moon-says-peace-deal-wouldnt-mean-u-s-troops-withdrawal

US troops will not leave South Korea as part of peace treaty with North, says Moon Jae-in
미군 안떠난다고 문재인이 말했음

문정은 특보 관련 내용은
The Blue House was responding to questions about a column written by a South Korean presidential adviser and academic, Moon Chung-in, which was published earlier this week.

Moon Chung-in said it would be difficult to justify the presence of US forces in South Korea if a peace treaty were signed. 

However, Seoul wants the troops to stay because US forces in South Korea play the role of a mediator in military confrontations between neighbouring superpowers such as China and Japan, another presidential official told reporters on condition of anonymity.

Moon Chung-in was asked not to create confusion regarding the president’s stance, Mr Kim, the Blue House spokesman, said.

해석은 알아서들 하세요.

일본 뉴스는
South Korea’s Moon says peace deal wouldn’t mean U.S. troops’ withdrawal
남한의 문이 말하길 평화 회담은 미군 철수 의미하는 거 아닐꺼임

문정은 특보 관련 내용은
The presidential Blue House was responding to questions about an opinion article written by South Korean presidential adviser and academic Moon Chung-in that was published Monday.

“What will happen to U.S. forces in South Korea if a peace treaty is signed? It will be difficult to justify their continuing presence in South Korea after its adoption,” the former Yonsei University professor said in an article published in the U.S. magazine Foreign Affairs.

Seoul wants the troops to stay because U.S. forces in the South play the role of mediator in times of military tensions between neighboring powers such as China and Japan, another presidential official was quoted as saying on condition of anonymity.

Presidential adviser Moon was asked not to create confusion about the president’s stance, Blue House spokesman Kim said.

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