Future life expectancy in 35 industrialised countries: projections with a Bayesian model ensemble
Lancet 2017; 389: 1323–35
OECD 35 개국 기대수명에 대한 분석임
참고로 Lancet 이란 저널은 세계최고의 의학저널중 하나입니다. 참고로 Impact factor 가 47 정도랍니다.
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These gains were due to broad-based inclusive improvements in economic status18 and social capital (including education) in both countries,19 which improved childhood and adolescent nutrition (eg, as seen by South Korea and Japan having achieved some of the largest gains in adult height over the past century),20 expanded access to primary and secondary health care, and facilitated rapid scale-up of new medical technologies.
(18, 19, 20 은 각주입니다.)
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