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미국 환경단체에서 원전중지 하는거 편지썻다고 하는데 사쿠라인듯?
게시물ID : sisa_965093짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 깐똘이~
추천 : 8
조회수 : 822회
댓글수 : 3개
등록시간 : 2017/07/05 23:49:03
South Korea’s nuclear industry is especially important given the financial failures of French nuclear giant Areva and Japanese-owned and U.S.-based Westinghouse. If South Korea withdraws from nuclear then only Russia and China would be in the global competition for new nuclear construction.  
A phase-out of nuclear plants by South Korea domestically would profoundly undermine efforts by Kepco to compete for new nuclear construction contracts abroad. Buyer nations would rightly question why they should buy nuclear plants from a nation phasing out its nuclear. And a domestic nuclear phase-out would atrophy the workforces and supply chains needed for South Korea’s global construction efforts.

전세계적으로 탈원전하니 기업들이 죽어난다 그렇기때문에 중국 러시아 일본 한국이 중요하다라는 문구가있는데 돈받고쓴듯?  환경단체에서 원전회사걱정을 왜하는건지?
출처 http://www.environmentalprogress.org/south-korea-letter
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