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Ariel Pink - Another Weekend
게시물ID : music_140863짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 남도한정식
추천 : 3
조회수 : 217회
댓글수 : 3개
등록시간 : 2017/06/30 15:44:20
Another weekend out of my life
I'm either too shy or humble
Another weekend out of my life
Is gonna get me into trouble

Feel a body, warm and close behind me
I turn around, but you are not there
Though I fail to ignore this resignation
You're standing there
Every day, about five in the evening
I think of all that went wrong
We were once so happy together
But not for long

To log me in and out of my life
I'm either too shy or humble
Another weekend out of my life
Is gonna get me into trouble
Another weekend out of my life
And I can shake off my worries
Another weekend I can't rewind
Another day not working for me

Feel a body floating all around me
I turn around, but you are not there
Though I fail to ignore this resignation
You're standing there
Every day, about five in the evening
I think of all that went wrong
We were once so happy together
But not for long

To log me in and out of my life
Another weekend out of my life
Another weekend out of my life
I'm either too shy or humble
Another weekend I can't rewind
Is gonna get me into trouble

Out of my life
Out of my life

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