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캐나다 EE추첨 55th 3611 ITAs CRS 441
게시물ID : emigration_2559짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 시나브니
추천 : 1
조회수 : 721회
댓글수 : 2개
등록시간 : 2017/02/23 04:17:54
Ministerial Instructions respecting invitations to apply for permanent residence under the Express Entry system #55 – February 22, 2017

The Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, pursuant to section 10.3 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, gives the annexed Ministerial Instructions Respecting Invitations to Apply for Permanent Residence under the Express Entry System (February 22, 2017).

Ottawa, February 22, 2017

Ahmed D. Hussen
Minister of Citizenship and Immigration

Ministerial Instructions respecting invitations to apply for permanent residence under the Express Entry system (February 22, 2017)

Determination — number of invitations

1. (1) For the purposes of paragraph 10.2(1)(b) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, the number of invitations that may be issued during the period beginning on February 22, 2017 and ending on February 23, 2017 is 3,611.

Required rank

(2) Foreign nationals who, on February 22, 2017 at 13:10:45 UTC, have been assigned a total of 441 points or more under the Comprehensive Ranking System that is set out in the Ministerial Instructions Respecting the Express Entry System, as published in the Canada Gazette, Part I, on December 1, 2014 and as amended from time to time, occupy the rank required to be invited to make an application for permanent residence.

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