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영어 음악 자막 가사좀 도와주세요ㅠ
게시물ID : english_11976짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 라라라펠
추천 : 1
조회수 : 721회
댓글수 : 2개
등록시간 : 2017/02/08 23:53:14

이거 너무 마음에 들어서 영어 가사를 찾아봤는데.. 원곡이 일본노래고 어레인지된거라 얘 가사는 못찾겠어요..ㅠ

너무 알고싶어서 일단 들리는데로 써봤는데 틀린것도 많고 모르는부분도 많아요ㅠ

제가 쓴게 이건데 수정좀 도와주세요..

Come and listen. I'll tell you a story about somethings from long ago.

It's a better place, a place signed new well?? Well I used to go

I could see, from the windows of the place, just not trees, blighing? up the pant?

????? in my day thereby myself. coffee in hand.

Spending the time recklessly. Searching for tomorrow to couldn't be see

They would dreams anyone ????

I was swept way my pasion in ??? and a time when I was going throw change

and I felt it from deep inside the meaning of time.

Remember the days.

Back and the day. We will even go. go to sleep on the side through.

No one had the mist go any place nowhere at all.

Out on a street no money dispense. just making and meet and just getting five?

And nothing about all. tomorrow is all, all that we had.

people coming in and going out. people dropping in that small lugging? house.

Staying up all night. making noise to dall?? to crushing the sleet.

Everyday a fire fall? like a storm and wind will chear?

We will learn to we couldn't free, so carry the way

Remember the days.

Take a look at this photograph.

It's one of the few, that I have left, see the memo right there ??? face, that man is you.

So those friends, from those all days, so many friends went all the way,

I'm not really sure where they have gone, where they might be.

All of those days, those days of the past, where they just empty and meaningless.

That is something that no one could ever say.

Even today and they must same way, I'm still searching for this something in it's dream.

I'm keep going on and keep running strong something

Remember the days
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