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디비전]언어팩 때문에 유비 고객센터 문의한 결과
게시물ID : gametalk_304520짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 김재규(처단)
추천 : 1
조회수 : 1636회
댓글수 : 1개
등록시간 : 2016/03/31 22:47:37
드디어 아시아 언어팩을 얻어냈네요

험블판 구매자인데 드디어 아시아 언어팩을 얻어냈네요.

근데 해결해주는데 보름걸렸네요 ㅡㅡ;

유비 x같아서 66% 할인쿠폰도 그냥 버렸는데

아래는 이메일 전문입니다.


Andrew @Ubisoft Support 31/03/2016 @ 10:53
Hello redhot2752,

I apologise for the delayed response.

I have investigated this issue and I am happy to inform you I have added the language pack to your account. Please verify the game files within Uplay before launching the game.

If there is anything else I can do for you, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Kind regards,
Ubisoft Support.
You wrote 15/03/2016 @ 03:22
I sent email to humble about my situation and i'm waiting for reply

but, i just want make it clear. do you guys really think they can solve this problem?
or just say "sorry you just fucked up"?

hey i don't wanna be mean but I brought this game in legally and with 8 other ubisoft game. and also pre-order

I'm already know someone get the key change who brought this game russian version for get cheaper one

i don't know why i deserve worse than them

and someone buy a game contain WW language which mean "World Wide" It should be contain every language you tanslated unless "World Wide except fucking small country"

If I were japanese it was not a problem because it contain japanese. why should it discrimination?

I hope you understand my disappointment even I have bad english

the last week in the new york I was a fucking idiot who carrying a gun and shoot everything I can shoot. understand nothing. not a glorius division agent.

I think we can solve this problem with positive manner
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