유투브에서 욱일기에 대한 토론을 일본인과 벌이고 있는데...
(욱일승천기라는 깃발은 없고, 그냥 욱일기가 정식명칭입니다.)
아래와 같은 답변이 왔습니다.
"I see,
yes it's definitely true to say that flag was used by those people(actually most of the citizen then were sort of that) as the second-most-important flag
(strictly saying, not the national flag, it was officially used as the naval flag)
to increase their morale.
What I'm wondering about is that the rising-sun design is still used after WW2
and even before,
like hundreds of years ago without any political, religious intentions as you see via national & local soccer games etc.
I think that that is the biggest difference between the Nazi flag, the flag that was ONLY used during Hitler's government.?"
위 내용이 어떤 내용인지는 알겠습니다. 그래서 저는 아래와 같이 답변을 달려고 합니다.
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첫번째 부탁드려요.~~~~
두번째 부탁드려요~~~