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게시물ID : english_11882짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 반갑수산시장
추천 : 0
조회수 : 556회
댓글수 : 1개
등록시간 : 2016/10/09 01:02:34
  • 창작글
  • 본인삭제금지

안녕하세요. 과제로 영작한 내용입니다! 내용은 여름방학동안 유럽여행을 다녀온 내용입니다.

무척 긴 내용이지만 틀리거나 어색한 문장이 있는지 확인해주시면 정말 감사하겠습니다!

부탁드립니다 !!

During this summer vacation I visited Europe with friends for a month From July to August.

Day before travel, I could not sleep in the pounding heart.

The first day, we, through a Russian Moscow airport.

We arrived at Rome Fiumicino Airport.

However, I went immediately accommodation very tired of waiting during the day in Moscow airport.

And for three days in Rome, I was sightseeing Coliseum, the Arc de Triomphe, the Pantheon.

I was overwhelmed due to really grand and huge Roman building.

And, I went to Croatia, which is the next destination.

Coast poet Croatia is really beautiful and attractive country.

We enjoyed sea bathing and swim in the beach.

Really it was the highest of the country while traveling Europe.

In the next, we went to Budapest, Hungary. Budapest’s night view was a beautiful city.
And, arrived in Switzerland, which is the most favorite country in Europe trip.

There was a spectacle natural and very friendly People in Switzerland.

However, the Koreans too many here. it was enough to confusion whether foreign to Korean.

Finished the trip in Switzerland, we were moved to France is the last of the country.

A week in the French’s capital Paris I felt like the local people.

During the day, take a picture in front of the Eiffel Tower,

In the evening, we enjoyed the night view while drinking a beer in front of it.

When I finished the trip and come back to Korea, I felt something wanting.

During the trip, a lot of things I was learning experience.

If you have a chance I recommend that you go away in Europe.

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