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대학 수학을 영어로 공부할수 있는 사이트가 있나요?
게시물ID : science_55290짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 으흐즈믈르그
추천 : 0
조회수 : 542회
댓글수 : 7개
등록시간 : 2015/11/18 19:54:08
  • 본인삭제금지
Calculus: derivative, partial derivative, integral, double integral, limit of suits, numerical series, series of function, extrema of functions, equivalence of functions, differential equations.
Probability and Statistics: Discrete probability, continous probability, random variables, expectation, variance, characteristic functions, binomial distribution, uniform density, exponential density, normal density, random vectors, matrix of covariance. Notion of estimator.
Properties of estimators (unbiaised, convergent, efficient).
Algebra: Vectorial space, linear algebra, matrix, determinant, eigenvalues, eigenvectors,
linear equation, quadratic forms, complex numbers.
Geometry: analytic geometry, equation of plan, tangent plan, normal to a curve,
length of curve, scalar product, vectorial product, gradient, divergence, rotational.
 scalar field, vector field, Ostrogradski formula, Stokes Theorem
이런 대학 수학 과목들을 인터넷에서 영어로 가르쳐주는 무료사이트 혹시 아시는거 있으시면 알려주세요 ㅠㅠ
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