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MLP season5 ep15 정리
게시물ID : pony_86105짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : Connectome
추천 : 4
조회수 : 421회
댓글수 : 0개
등록시간 : 2015/10/18 20:35:20
 얼마전에 영어공부를 겸해서 포니를 보겠다는 분이 있어서 제 나름 간단하게 정리해 봤습니다.
오류수정, 추가 받습니다.
Rarity: Oh, I modeled them after the adventures of Shadow Spade. Her stories are always full of mystery and suspense and, best of all... fabulous costumes!
Suspense : 긴장감, 서스펜스,
Oxford dictionary : A quality in a work of fiction that arouses excited expectation or uncertainty about what may happen
'a tale of mystery and suspense'
Rarity: [humming] Oh, uh, just making some minor adjustments. [blows on dress] Shadow Spade believes it all comes down to attention to detail. And so do I. There! Now it's perfect.
[door slams open]
Rarity: Heavens, yes! A chance to dress up, be charming and show off my newest femme mystique couture? I wouldn't miss it for all of Equestria.
couture : 여성복, 패션 디자이너
Rarity: Ooh, the rhinestones I ordered! [beat] Oh, my. Oh, there's been a mistake... I ordered dragon-cut stones, and these are hoof-polished.
Rhinestone : 장신구나 옷을 장식할 때 쓰는 모조 다이아몬드
Rainbow Dash: Let's grab some grub!
grub : 구어로 음식이라는 뜻. grab과 grub의 두운을 맞춤.
Spitfire: Wind Rider, I see you met Rainbow Dash! She's one of our most promising Reserves. She just might beat your record.
Promising : 전망이 좋은, 전도유망한
Misty Fly: Yeah, he's coming out of retirement to take the spot of honor in the center of our aerial flower formation tomorrow.
come out of retirement : 은퇴생활을 관두다
Rarity: That dinner was absolutely divine.
divine : 신의, 신성한; 아주 멋진
Spitfire: How lucky are we? Well, we better get some shuteye before practice.
shuteye : (구어) 잠
get[or catch] some shuteye : 한숨 자다
Rainbow Dash: I won't let you down, Soarin.
let down : ~을 실망시키다
Rarity: Ooh, you're Spitfire's mum? But I thought you were sick.
mum : 오타인가 해서 찾아봤더니 mom (엄마) 의 영국식.
Soarin: I have to warn you, if you sent that letter, the bylaws are clear. I'd have no choice but to ban you from the Wonderbolts forever. Understand?
bylaw (=bye-law, by-law) : 단체의 규칙, 준칙. 영국영어로는 지방법, 지방 자치잔체 등의 조례를 의미
Rarity: With me! Detective Rarity is on the case, and we are going to get to the bottom of this faster than my costume change!
on the case : 사건을 조사하여. be on the case는 사건을 조사중이다 라는 의미.
Rarity: [narrating] Rainbow Dash was getting antsy, but I had faith I could clear her name and find the real culprit.
clear one's name : ~의 결백을 증명하다. 남의 오명을 씻어주다.
Rarity: Oh, calm down, Rainbow Dash. We'll get to the bottom of this.
get to the bottom of : ~의 진상을 규명하다, 철저하게 조사하다.
Cinnamon Chai: No... because it was hard to tell! She was wearing a trench coat, sunglasses, and a scarf around her head that covered most of her face. But I do remember she had a really deep, raspy voice.
raspy voice : raspy의 뜻은 ‘거친.’ raspy voice는 거친 목소리, 쇳소리의 의미 (그냥 대쉬같은 목소리)
Rarity: [narrating] Rainbow Dash was obviously upset, but I had all my ducks in a row.
get/have one's ducks in a row : 만반의 준비를 갖추다. 화면에 오리가 지나감. 관용구를 이용한 장난인 듯.
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