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게시물ID : english_11301짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 존쉬하트
추천 : 0
조회수 : 651회
댓글수 : 2개
등록시간 : 2015/09/30 00:48:23
  • 창작글
  • 외부펌금지
Thesedays, Korea is caught by the craze over studying abroad so many students aregoing to schools and universities in different countries. Also, the studentsdream about positive life in other countries as foreign student. However, Ithink this is bad because it has many problems. From now on, I will explainspecific problems.
 First, Studying abroad requires a lot ofmoney. For example, if one student wants to go to New Zealand for study, thestudent will need about two million won a month. The cost includes school fee,house rent, and living expenses so the student need a lot of money tosustainable life. Furthermore, parents will go through economicallydifficulties because they have to give much money for their children.
 Second, Studying abroad may cause the academicsectarianism. Many students graduate from prestigious universities in differentcountries so Korean companies are looking for talented person who graduatedfamous school. For instance, imagine that two people are preparing foremployment. One graduated prestigious foreign university and the othergraduated prestigious Korean university. If two people apply for a company, thepeople who graduated foreign university will get the job. Similarly, if anapplicant do not have experience abroad, the applicant will suffer disadvantagewhen he is applying for the jobs.
 Third, Studying abroad thoughtlessly haveproblems about maladaptive behaviors. The behaviors include drugs,prostitution, discrimination, et cetera. For example, students who go to studyabroad without a plan would be tempted to spend much money or take drugs.Actually, some Korean students in different countries were addicted to drugsbecause of loneliness and stress. Moreover, some students were accused ofprostitution in the Philippines. Additionally, much students living in othercountries are facing racial differences.
 Inconclusion for these reasons, I think studying abroad in different countries isbad. Yet if the problems are cleared up, studying abroad will be verybeneficial for students. Thus, we need to try to solve the problems.
나름 작문을 했는데, 혹시 문법적으로 틀린부분이 있는지 확인 부탁드립니다 ^^; (워낙 허접한 실력이라서 틀린곳이 많을 것 같은..;;;) 한수 부탁드립니다 꾸벅 (--)(__)
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