연설 당시 트윗입니다 "@AFP: South Korean president proposes a peace park on the border with North Korea: http://t.co/5SPDmqttih"
보도는 하는군요 그러나 이게 끝입니다 같은 시각 다른 언론사 보시죠 "@AP: BREAKING: US officials: US providing $100 million in new Syria humanitarian aid." 속보로 시리아 기사
"@nytimes: Shares of Manchester United tumble briefly after Alex Ferguson announces his retirement http://t.co/0WtucuIwMR" 뉴욕타임즈 퍼거슨 애기 "@BBCWorld: #Syria's global internet connection resumes, after interruption lasting 16 hours http://t.co/UbnabVXv86" 역시 시리아 애기
"@cnnbrk: Ex-captive Amanda Berry to make statement soon, Cleveland police say. Watch #CNN." 클리브랜드 납치 소녀들 애기
"@BBCBreaking: LIVE: #AmandaBerry returns to home in #Cleveland, 10 years after being abducted in Ohio http://t.co/o2OEYcz6Jw" 비비씨 역시 마찬가지
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