We agree with the general sentiment here that Immortal King's 6pc bonus needs an adjustment to perform more comparably to Wrath of the Wastes Whirlwind builds. Sets/builds performing more comparably with each other aligns with our general goal of build diversity, including at high-end play. In the next PTR patch you will see the following change:
Immortal King's Call
(6) Set Bonus
Increased damage bonus from 100% to 250%.
Thanks for the continued testing and feedback.
Edited by John Yang on 7/31/2015 11:50 AM PDT
블루포스트에 뜬 내용임니다 ㅇㅅㅇa
존양이 500% -> 100%로 콱 너프 시켰던 6셋 옵션을 250%로 올릴 예정이랩니다.
그런데 문제는 황야 셋도 상태가 그리 썩 좋은 편은 아닌데 말이죠ㅇㅅㅇ;;;