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게시물ID : freeboard_1003414짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 레아치즈
추천 : 0
조회수 : 162회
댓글수 : 5개
등록시간 : 2015/07/24 23:18:19
  • 창작글
  • 본인삭제금지
긴 캐나다구요 두시간 뒤에 자기소개 프리젠테이션해야 되는데, 쓰는데 너무 오래 걸려서 이제 다 썼어요 ㅠㅠ
봐주시는 분께는 어떻게든 사례 해드릴게요!!ㅠㅠ
어디다 물어봐야 될지 몰라서 여기다 글 올리는데 문제 되면 삭제할게요

Hello, everyone.
Let me introduce myself.
I have three things to talk about myself.

1. Versatile & Challenging girl

first, I'd like to talk about things that I have challenged from childhood.


When I was in elementary school, I was interested in many different kind of activities. 
I never learned about them but, whatever I challenged, I got a good result. 
I was active and always full of confidence.

but, after I entered middle school, I focused on studying, and was only interested in entering good university. I liked to study but, I was changed to so quiet and passive person that I had difficulty talking my friends.

I was eager to change me to active person again, so I participated in many activities again after I entered university. 


I was totally changed to active again especially after studying in Japan.
I majored in Japanese and I went to Japan 5times in my life, and studied there for exchange student and worked at ski resort.
And I also participated in Japanese speech contest at school and won the first prize.
at that time I was really proud of myself because I couldn't speak Japanese at all before going to Japan

after I entered my first company, I challenged some activities because I had hard time at my work place so wanted to relieve stress. 
I used to broadcast at my first work place for DJ.
I'll briefly play my broadcasting for you guys.

2. Analog hobbies
Secondly, I'm going to talk about my hobbies.

I haven't watched TV since I was 17. 
and I rarely watch movie, and use computer only when I have something to search.
So, I'm a little worried about taking this PMM class.
Because I wasn't interested in MEDIA so I have little knowlege about it.
But I also think it is good chance to learn about media.

anyway, even though I'm far from media, 
my family and closest friends often say to me, "you are always busy."
actually, I never felt I'm bored when I'm alone.

*AT HOME - Making Project myself
I like to make project myself and plan and achieve something. 
that is kind of my hobby
Instead of watching TV, I focus on something I'm interested and get information till becoming almost expert. 
For example, when I took out a policy, I read 5 books about insurance and searched for 1month.
but, for me, it is not very good habit because when I do something, it takes long time to do than other people.
but, my friends often ask my advice when they're going to do something.

I like to travel alone. Because It is easy to make new friends there. 
I made many friends in Korea through my travel. 
after travelling, I meet them regularly.
And I hope I can make many foreign friends as well not only in this school but also during my trip.
I'll show you video that my friends made.

3. Dream 100
when I was child, my dream was becoming a singer.
and also wanted to be a actress, anchor, voice actress, English interpreter.
But, my dream was suddenly changed to entering a company that is relative to Japan when I was University.

*Overseas Sales
I joined the company that sells clothes to another country especially Japan. 
And I used to deal with both factory and Japanese buyer. 
I realized my dream. but I often overworked and got too much stress. 
So I quit the job last year after working for 4 years.

*Dream 100
Now I have many dreams.
This is my bucket list 
I don't think I should have just one dream.

Thank you for listening.

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