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게시물ID : english_11028짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : saymanx
추천 : 0
조회수 : 892회
댓글수 : 9개
등록시간 : 2015/06/15 13:38:51
문제를 풀고 풀이를 해 오는 숙제입니다.

문제가 많아요;;;;  일단 제 생각과 답을 적어 올립니다. 틀린부분에 대한 가르침을 부탁드립니다.^^

1. Rachel couldn’t bear the thought of wasting money, so she _______ adhered to a budget that allowed her to look only for things on sale.
 1. (A) scarcely
 2. (B) ever
 3. (C) always
 4. (D) rarely

첫번째 문제부터 어렵네요;;;; 해석상 레이텔이 돈 낭비하는것을 싫어하니까, 언제나 달라붙다(adhere)? 세일을 하는 예산에 달라붙다라는 의미같애요.

일단 답은 (C)같은데 해석이 잘안되요 ㅜㅜ

2. Some of our chefs have multiple ways to improve a dish’s flavor without compromising quality, but _______ of them still draw on traditional methods.
 1. (A) most
 2. (B) mostly
 3. (C) almost
 4. (D) the most

해석상 "대부분의 사람들이 계속해서 전통적인 방법을 따르다" most가 되어야 하는것 같습니다. the most(최상급,혹은 최대 라는 의미) 가 되면 안 될것 같아요. 

3. _______ to working at Stanley Tools, Mr. Joiner worked as an engineer as Zeon Calibrated Equipment.
 1. (A) Prior
 2. (B) Ahead
 3. (C) Earlier
 4. (D) Formerly

문맥상  Mr. Joiner가 이전직장에 근무했다라는 의미 이니까 (a)Prior to가 맞는 것 같습니다.

4. Pro Footwear said its most recent quarterly earnings _______ the highest ever.
 1. (A) was
 2. (B) were
 3. (C) are
 4. (D) has been

최상급이 앞으로 나와서 도치가 된 문장 같습니다. 맞나요???? 해서이 어렵네요 ;;;; 일단 제가 생각한 답은 (b)같습니다.;;; 어려워요;;;;

5. We _______ all of our archived documents over to the storage warehouse in the coming month.
 1. (A) moving
 2. (B) moved
 3. (C) have moved
 4. (D) will be moving

coming month, 다가오는 미래에 이동을 할 것이다 라는 의미가 되어야 하니까 (d) will be moving이 되어야 할 것 같습니다.

6. Organizational performance can _______ by constantly innovating at the intersection of IT and business.
 1. (A) improve
 2. (B) be improving
 3. (C) improvements
 4. (D) be improved

조동사 에다가 by 수동이므로 (d)같습니다. '향상되어질수 있다' 라는 의미를 나타 내야 하는것 같습니다.

7. The computer might have shut down without warning if the software _______ compatible with the operating system.
 1. (A) is not
 2. (B) was not
 3. (C) would not
 4. (D) had not been

if 가정문에서 조건이므로 이는 현재시제가되어야 할것 같습니다. 답은 (a) is not 같습니다.

8. Morale has improved greatly among those workers _______ the option of working flextime schedules.
 1. (A) given
 2. (B) were given
 3. (C) have given
 4. (D) gave

분사로써 '받은 workers'의 의미가 되어야하므로 (a) given 같습니다. 

9. _______ the funds have been budgeted for the employee training program, the director of the project is reluctant to proceed. 
 1. (A) Despite
 2. (B) Although
 3. (C) Because of
 4. (D) Therefore

fund가 고용인 training program을 위해 예산편성 되었으므로 , 프로젝트의 감독관은 마지못해 진행하였다 라는 의미같애요..
그리서 답은 (d) therefore 같습니다.

10. _______ the deadline for reservations had passed, the hotel manager could not accept our request for more rooms.
 1. (A) Because
 2. (B) With
 3. (C) As to

 4. (D) From

예약을 하기위한 deadline이 지나서, 라는 문맥이 되어야 하므로 답은(a) 같습니다 ^^

11. About 18,000 people were laid off as part of the downsizing of the company, _______ the board of directors gave themselves a raise.
 1. (A) yet
 2. (B) for
 3. (C) or
 4. (D) so

 앞 뒤문장이 인과 관계 이므로 답은(d) 같습니다. 

12. Job hunters must make sure to have several references _______ can vouch for their performance.
 1. (A) who
 2. (B) whose
 3. (C) which
 4. (D) where

관계대명서 선행사로써 references를 받으므로 답은 (c)which 같습니다. 

13. It will be necessary _______ all managers to submit their budgets by Tuesday since the meeting is scheduled for Thursday.
 1. (A) at
 2. (B) on
 3. (C) from
 4. (D) for

전치사 문제인데 답은 (D) for 같습니다. 이유는  necessary for가 하나의 관용구 이기 때문입니다.

14. Please deliver _______- to Mr. Hunt, who is in charge of the Manufacturing Department.
 1. (A) an equipment
 2. (B) equipments
 3. (C) the equipment
 4. (D) equip

답은 (c) the equipment. 배달해 줘야하는 물건에 대한 지정이 있어야 할것 같아요.

15. Our college seeks to have as many students as possible involved in extracurricular activities. Involvement in activities such as sports remains optional, according to the _______ that was made between the college and its students.

 1. (A) decision
 2. (B) agreement
 3. (C) option
 4. (D) experiment

학교와 학생 사이의 동의 라는 문맥이 와야 할 것 같습니다. 따라서 답은 (B)같습니다.

16. Over a very long period of time, many kinds of animals and plants have ------ from the Earth.
 1. (A) disappear
 2. (B) disappearance
 3. (C) disappeared
 4. (D) disappearing

사라졌다 라는 의미가 되어야 하므로 현재완료형인 (c)가 되어야 할 것 같습니다.^^

17. 주어진 문장을 참고하여 <보기>의 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 표현을 고르시오.

At least two-year’s basic installation experience is required.

<보기> Q: What prior experience is _______ for the applicant?
A: Two years of experience in basic installation 
 1. (A) necessary
 2. (B) added
 3. (C) inevitable
 4. (D) priceless

위의 13번에 나왔던 necessary for가 필요한 자리 같습니다. 따라서 답은 (A) ^^

18. 주어진 문장을 참고하여 <보기>의 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 표현을 고르시오.
Back in 1922 when Energon was just a small local company, we didn’t have to worry about a shortage of fuel.

<보기> Q: What was true when Energon was established?
A: Fuel was in _______ supply. 
 1. (A) weak
 2. (B) narrow
 3. (C) lack of
 4. (D) plentiful

연료가 풍부하게 공급되었다 라는 의미가 되어야 하므로 답은 (d) 같습니다. ^^

19. What will NOT take place during the event?


Come join us this Saturday at Wisteria Lane Flea Market for a day of browsing, barbecuing, and fun in the sun! Other folk’s trash can become your treasure-all at rock bottom prices!! You never know what you’ll find! Guests can also buy raffle tickets for $2, $5, and $10. The grand prize of the raffle will be a 1969 Ford Mustang in fair condition. There will be a whole pig barbecued over charcoal and mesquite, gallons of potato salad, buckets of coleslaw, and several kegs of ice-cold beer. An auction of celebrity-related items will be held and is scheduled to start at 1:40 P.M. Anyone who is interested not only in shopping but also in selling their own items can reserve one of our 500 stalls at the eight-square-kilometer site along Main Street ahead of time or try their luck on a first-come, first-served basis. You’re advised to make a reservation unless you want to risk having to turn around and haul that bag of old clothes and books back home again. And for those of you who like to compete, we will be blocking off the street for a game of roller hockey between 9 A.M. and noon. There will also be volleyball nets set up on several of the larger lawns. All the food and fun you can stand for a $5 ticket! Come one and all! 
 1. (A) A performance
 2. (B) A sports competition
 3. (C) A drawing
 4. (D) A cookout

20. Why is Ms. Parker writing the letter?

Dear Monterey Golf Club,

I have been a member of your club for six years, and I am excited about the new holiday child care services that the club is offering. My children are excited about them as well. I would like to inquire about these services. During the month of August, my sister is going to be visiting me with her children. I was wondering if we would also be able to use the childcare service for her three children, even though she is not a member. I looked up the Clubhouse Information Board to find some information on this, but I couldn’t find an answer. Please let me know as soon as possible if this will work as we will have to find other arrangements if it won’t.

Susan Parker 
 1. (A) To sign her children up for child care
 2. (B) To renew her club membership
 3. (C) To get a club membership for her sister
 4. (D) To see if the club will extend its child care services

그러니까, 클럽에 가입 되어 있지 않은 자매의 자식(조카)들도 child care 서비스를 받을수 있는 지 물어보는 글인것 같습니다. 따라서 답은 (d)가 되어야 할 것 같애요. 

이상 20문제입니다. 부족한 지식으로나마 열심히 풀었는데 모르는 부분이 많아요.ㅜㅜ

고수님들의 가르침 부탁드립니다!!!!!^^

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