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조향키트를 구입했습니다; 그런데 안쪽에 고무? 마개가 녹았어요;
게시물ID : science_50894짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 바로우뮤직
추천 : 0
조회수 : 1580회
댓글수 : 1개
등록시간 : 2015/06/06 16:02:18
  • 창작글
  • 본인삭제금지



이렇게 도움을 요청해서 죄송해요~

다름이 아니라 EBay로 향수 키트를 샀습니다.

무턱대고.. 호기심에 사게 되었어요... ㅠㅠ

그런데 안쪽 고무 마개? 같은 것이 녹았더라구요..


1. 녹아도 이걸 쓸수 있는지..

2. 그리고 어떤 병에 옮겨야 하는지 물어보려고 글 남겼어요.

도움 부탁드립니다..

궁금하실 것 같아서 리스트 남겨요

Kit includes 70-odd different fragrance components:

2.5 ml of acetyl iso-eugenol crystals
2.5 ml of cinnamyl acetate
2.5 ml safraleine
2.5 ml pyralone
2.5 suederal LT
2.5 ml pharaone
2.5 ml ebanol
d.5 ml damascenone
2.5 ml cashmeran
2.5 ml castoreum blend
2.5 ml celestolide
2.5 ml cosmone
2.5 ml ethylene brassylate
2.5 ml galaxolide 50%
2.5 ml habanolide
2.5 ml indolene
2.5 ml muscenone
2.5 ml Musk R1
2.5 ml vertenex
2.5 ml exaltolide 50%
2.5 ml methyl laitone 10% in DPG
2.5 ml dihydro ionone beta
2.5 ml aldehyde c-12 MNA
2.5 ml aldehyde c-12 lauric
2.5 ml aldehyde c-11 enic (same as undecylenic)
2.5 hydroxycitronellal
2.5 iso e super
2.5 cedryl acetate
2.5 guaiacol
2.5 musk xylon (musk xylene)
2.5 ml helional
2.5 ml heliotropin replacer 50%
2.5 ml hedione
8 ml ambrettolide
2.5 ml aurantiol
2.5 ml benzyl acetate
2.5 ml boronal
2.5 ml ionone alpha (ionone alpha white coeur)
2.5 ml ionone beta
2.5 ml isoraldeine 70 aka methyl ionone gamma 70
2.5 ml orriniff 25% IPM
2.5 ml raldeine A GV (aka methyl ionone gamma extra)
2.5 ml hexenal 3 Cis
2.5 ml hexenyl cis-3 acetate
2.5 ml phenyl ethyl phenyl acetate replacer
2.5 ml toscanal
2.5 ml undecavertol
2.5 ml velvione
2.5 ml benzyl cinnamate
2.5 ml ethyl cinnamate
2.5 ml ethyl vanillin
2.5 ml calone
8 ml citronellol
2.5 ml cyclamen aldehyde
2.5 ml dihydromyrcenol
2.5 ml dimethyl benzyl carbinyl acetate
2.5 ml dimethyl octenone
2.5 ml linalool
2.5 ml ethyl maltol liquid
2.5 ml florhydral
2.5 ml geranyl acetate
2.5 ml hexyl salicylate
2.5 ml methyl benzoate
2.5 ml peonile
2.5 ml phenethyl acetate aka phenyl ethyl acetate
2.5 ml okoumal
2.5 ml bicyclononalactone

larger bottles (I'm going to guess about 5 ml) from Takasago of:
synthetic peach
synthetic rose
synthetic gardenia
essential oil of galbanum at 20%
aldehyde c-11 at 1%
aldehyde c-10 at 1%
aldehyde c-12 at 1%
musk tonkin tincture
castoreum tincture
civet tincture


다른 카페이도 올렸는데 다들 무관심하시네요..

여기 닮을 병 혹시 아시면 추천좀 해주세요...

이거 쓸수 있을까요 ?>

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