전범기 티셔츠 디자인이라니... 도와주세요!
뉴질랜드에 살고 있는 한국인 입니다.
얼마전 Hallensteins 라는 호주, 뉴질랜드 의류업체에서 전범기(Rising Sun)를 사용해 티셔츠 디자인하고 온라인에서 판매하고 있길래
항의 메일을 보내서 해당 제품은 삭제 한 것 같은데 오프라인 매장에서는 아직도 판매하고 매장 광고에도 사용되고 있길래
다시 메일을 보냈는데 노답이네요... 오유 여러분들의 지원사격 부탁드립니다.
그리고 아직도 온라인 사이트에서도 광고에는 나오네요...
게시글에 올려진 사진 이랑 영어로 Please take it down 이라고 쓰셔서 보내면 좀 더 빨리 조취를 취하지 않을까 하는 생각에 글을 올려봅니다.
여기 현지인들은 뭔지도 모르고 쿨하다면서 입고 다니는거 볼때마다 찝찝하네요.
위에 이메일, 트위터, 페북, 인스타에 욱일승천기를 내려달라고 글을 남겨주세요.
밑에 글 둘중에 하나 복사하셔서 이메일이나 게시글에 써 주세요~ 감사합니다!
이메일용 글
This is why you need to consider not to wear the 'Rising Sun' T-shirt.
Would you ever wear a T-Shirt with a Swastika on it? Assuming that you are a right-minded person with a good sense of decency, you would not. Swastika represents a political regime that committed horrible acts upon many — to the extent that it became the symbol of crime against humanity and ultimately –and rather ironically– contributed to furthering of human rights as an essential political discourse in the post-World War II world. A Swastika is not only offensive to the Jewish people, but to everyone, for it is an insult to the very ideals that we hold sacred — that every human life is deserving of respect. this society that abhors Nazis does not hold the same standard for the images of the Japanese Rising Sun, which, is in a way, even more offensive than Swastikas. The Rising Sun flag was the symbol of the Empire of Japan during late 19th and early 20th centuries. It is extremely easy to find images of the Rising Sun — on t-shirts, restaurants, films, TV, et cetera. In a way, we cannot blame the people who use this image. Everyone knows that Adolf Hitler and his administration committed atrocities against humanity. But comfort women, maruta, and the Rape of Nanking aren’t concepts that are taught in Edmonton Public Schools — at least with the same degree of importance as that of Holocaust.
The Empire of Japan operated with the similar ideologies that prompted the invasion of Czechoslovakia and the Final Solution. Japan had industrialized much earlier than the rest of Asia, and developed a formidable military force with the goal of forming a grand empire. Behind this goal, there was the belief that the Japanese were racially superior to other Asian ethnic groups, as their society had moved “beyond Asia” much earlier than others. Thus, the Japanese administration was not hesitant to treating people from other Asian countries, such as Korea, China, and Philippines, as the Nazi Germany treated the Jewish.
페북,인스타,트위터용 글
This why you need to consider not to use 'Rising Sun' on the T-shirt. My impression is the rising sun flag represents the Japanese militarism in the same way that swastika flag has for the German fascism (or am I absolutely wrong? ), and I know it for certain this flag has burnt lot of heavy scars in Asian history/mind, the same as swastika has for the rest of the world. So again, why does it still exist as an official flag?