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알렉스 아저씨가 다친 사자 발에 약 바르는데 사자가 완전 좋아하는거임.
그 후로 알렉스 아저씨는 사자 발 맛사지사가 됨.
This is not a hunting photo. Briton Alex Larenty, who resides on a game reserve in South Africa, spends his days giving foot massages to lions. One day, while applying a cream to treat an infection on a lion's paw, he noticed that the lion would relax and appear to smile. Since then, Alex has been massaging all the lions in the park daily. Thanks to this pampering, he has formed a bond with the lions so strong that they lie down, stretch their legs, and smile as soon as they see him approaching. With love and respect, all relationships are possible!
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