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To answer a few questions, yes the dog would like a belly rub.
It's a bachelor party, hence no girls. ;)
Where are all the candy wrappers/junk trash? I didn't take a picture of the kitchen lol. About 5 pizza boxes, and tons of food trash. Good guy gamers try to keep the food to a minimum in the gaming area.
Guys leg/arm is connected. Yea. He flew in from Spain for this. His arm must be tired.
Can we be friends? Only if you can figure out how to get into the neighborhood lol. I had issues.
Zomg how tall are you? 6'3". Photo taken from an indoor second story balcony.
총각 파티였고 울티마 온라인 부터 시작한 분들이 모인거였네요. 다만 사진에는 안 보였지만 주방에는 피자와 각종 음식들의 쓰레기가 가득 했다고 ㅠ.ㅠ 그래도 피자라니! 완벽한 조합 이군요! 저 파티를 위해서 한분은 스페인에서 오구...
출처 | https://www.reddit.com/user/rolypolypanda?sort=top |
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