Um, Korean girls and American girls. I guess this is a, a really hard subject to talk about, for a lot of reasons, the most, well, one of them being that, um, I mean I haven't met all the girls in the United States or in Korea, and so I can only speak about my perceptions, and ah, what I've seen in the two countries so far. As far as American girls go, ah, there's an advantage to being able to get to know them and to be able to generalize them to a certain extent, because, uh, I'm from their country, I'm from the same culture, eh, and I speak the same language. Um, in terms of dating girls goes, I find that, ah, it's easier to find girls with, uh, some of the same habits, ah, some of the same, some of the same likes and dislikes. And so it's easier to become closer that way. Also ah, I find that there are a lot of, that there are fewer trivial disputes, little verbal arguments that go on from day to day. Ah, in terms of Korean girls, I find ah, and I have a feeling I'm wrong about this, but my feeling so far has been that, ah, they have a lot of the same characteristics as each other as compared to American girls. And ah, I, I think that a large part of that has to do with the fact that I, I feel like women have more pressure in Korea, in a lot of different ways. Um, more pressure to measure themselves and other women in relation to men, more pressure to be pretty, ah, more pressure to be feminine, and I know, I know that there are a lot of, ah, you know, any kind of liberal idea you find anywhere else in the world is also strong and getting stronger in Korea. But as far as, ah, acceptance by the whole population and as far as women, ah, accepting an idea for themselves, instead of just being conscious of it, I think that ah, well, if I were a girl, I think I would rather be born in the United States than in Korea. But then, ah, that's a lot because of just my own cultural differences, too. Ah, on the whole, I guess, you know, it's hard to say, because once you get to know a person for, individually, and for who they are, you kind of stop looking at them as being from this or that country, or, ah, any, you kind of drop any large categories that you could associate to them. So ah, in general, I, I just understand uh, American girls better, but that's because I'm an American guy.
출처 : 하나포스닷컴
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