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  • 게시물ID : humorbest_119602
    작성자 : 미라클파워
    추천 : 35
    조회수 : 7233
    IP : 222.102.***.252
    댓글 : 45개
    베스트 등록시간 : 2006/01/13 18:16:25
    원글작성시간 : 2006/01/13 14:11:46
    http://todayhumor.com/?humorbest_119602 모바일
    세계에서 가장 빠른 랩
    완벽하게 따라 부를수 있는분?

    Heeeeey What's happenin, y'all?

    this is Tyrone Chillinfoot down with the funky Tung Twista, baby [number]

    inches of straight stupid, straight ignorant dope funky stuff for ya,

    baby So turn up your radio and get down to the Tung Twista Kick it, gee Let the Cavalier Tung kiss ya,

    it's the Mista Tung Twista Pumpin a rhythm,

    a lyrical styler My tongue'll be flingin a funky pile of Lyrical rhymes that's breakin em off in the mind, I be flowin em holy, I'm Kickin the funky Islam,

    my lyricals slippin em like petroleum, slowly I'm Pumpin the flow of the lyric,

    I'm breakin em off with the radical texture I'm one brother you could never get next ta Flex your style, I'm gonna give em a lyrical pump of the rhythm of Cav And crackin em up with the word of the wise I be bringin em up in the flow of the funky dialect I elect a flow for suckers that try a wreck I spark the light of a head and be wakin em up and then cause a fly effect I insist ya lay with the path of my rhythm and follow me like a sc-ripture Flowin this from my lung, a tongue twister Mista, my style'll be makin a dent and be leavin the tracks bent Steppin is the lyrical black gent, my Nubian accent Breakin em up and then makin em take in the smell of my funk I be kickin up in em And then I'ma give em a lick of my lyrical lollypop, I'm gonna bring em into my doctrine Rock, then the rhythm'll makin the clock spin blackwards The funk of the rhythm'll snap, crackle and pop, then flow, oh I'm makin em follow the path of a God and my track'll be blacker than Cocoa This lyric I'm makin is dope, don't call it so-so Don't dis the Tung Twista Leavin the suckers soft as a whisper, Tung kiss ya like a sister Then I'ma let it be known that it's the way that I throw That's makin the funk of the lyrical glow And how I tell it, yo Cav is kickin a funkedelic flow, and oh, my fist'll Swing at the rhythm of suckers, then I'm gonna give em a Tung blister It's the Mista Tung Twista Ha-ha-heeey Boy, that's Tung Twista for ya Comin at ya in 3d Ha-ha-ha ?? funkier than that, boy Check it out Kick it again My tongue is spinnin I follow with Allah and the Father be stoppin the Cavalier from sinnin The lyrical rhythm beginning and then in the endin I ratatattat tactics, give em black kicks Flow of the lyric I'm pumpin and rappin em up is dope as a crack fix Wack? It's - funky, I'm greater Never to step at the lyrical dictator, a state of Shock is what I put a sucker into, then to mentally Go with the smell I be stylin, gee, funky is what the scent'll be Harmin this? Uh-uh, the Cavalier's kickin my charm in this Simply because I'm in this, I'm as dope as a pharmacist Calmin this? Hype as a rattle be shakin and rippin the rhythm And breakin up into a sweat, I be workin the lyrical servin a sucker So never come near a, lyricist Cavalier - ah Rock the flow of the lyrical rhythm be shinin like a mirror Hear a sucker step at the Twist, ya gotta be goin like this to beat me The funk of the lyric will flow from me like peepee You caught a work of my tongue as I be flow flowin like water Crackin em up with a flow and sort of slaughter I oughta ?? I'm bracin Nubian nations, race and chasin My tongue your tastin, a quick pace and facin lyrical wastin Tungs'll be cut like Jason, racin Tung Twista rocks, your lip'll lock My tongue'll be makin a tick tick or tick tock to Nubian hip-hop Flip-flopped, a flow when I wrote this Kickin and makin some hocus pocus, focus Tongue will be flippin just like this I'ma locus Givin a diagnosis for Twisterosis Crackin a mouth and them makin em ache I'ma put em up into a coma You're sniffin dope aroma I'm blendin I'm able to break up a sucker that you might send in The funk of the lyrical rhythm beginnin Spinnin the suckers around like a dollar Be makin em holler kickin the funk of a lyrical scholar I pray to Allah, I'm makin this funky like I'm a hobo Throw better than bolo, ya thinkin that he can battle my solo Just say oh no cause that's a no-no When I be smellin the funk of my flow, jo I'm pumpin this up and breakin this in with a lyrical, then say haha Take titles, then say ta-ta I'm rippin a rap and then rockin a rhythm and ring in my tongue I'ma bend em And flow with a lyric it's steppin inside em And get with the funk I be pumpin up in em With this and it's the Yeah- Tung Twista Oooooweee Haa-haa Boy, if that ain't bad, my name ain't Lewis Tyrone Chillinfoot, baby Haa-haa But we finna get the Boogieman ?? Go head, kid The Boogieman was speaking, he said, what's up Mista Twista Don't you know that Nubians ain't never supposed to whisper Talkin behind my back is makin it seem like it's a rumor So tell me fact to face when you can decide to come to Juma Don't say your name backwards because you don't like Cav Played to the left by def and I'm gonna eff up the right half The sucker descendant of Canaan, I'ma let my pizzazz wreck I'm speakin this to the devil that calls his self an Aztec You ain't a Puerto-Rican, know what I'm speakin, Islam you're seekin You might as well open the doors of a church and become a deacon Don't step to me, speakin the pep to me about what your rep'll be Crept to me because I let them see that you had leprosy Them suckers that be dissin me I simply just insist ya Stop steppin against the Mista Tung Twista He-heeey Now that was bad, baby But if you think that was somethin Wait till you hear the album He-he-hey I like to give a shout to my son [Name] And ?? to Eric the Wiz Cavalier Of course Cavalier, it's his album [Name] My man [Name] Kooley And the DJ Cut And the whole entire hip-hop nation We Audi 5000 Take the mic, y'all Ha-haa Do the robotic robot

    이 게시물을 추천한 분들의 목록입니다.
    [1] 2006/01/13 14:20:29  220.82.***.95  
    [2] 2006/01/13 14:41:29  221.168.***.180  뷰티풀데이
    [3] 2006/01/13 14:45:28  211.242.***.68  마샬수련생§
    [4] 2006/01/13 14:48:51  169.233.***.196  wisemike
    [5] 2006/01/13 14:50:10  211.59.***.185  후럴
    [6] 2006/01/13 15:01:36  58.239.***.201  광택맨
    [7] 2006/01/13 15:45:05  211.198.***.205  
    [8] 2006/01/13 17:41:55  221.147.***.210  얼굴은엑빡
    [9] 2006/01/13 17:51:16  220.92.***.153  엄마친구아를
    [10] 2006/01/13 18:16:25  220.117.***.68  
    푸르딩딩:추천수 3이상 댓글은 배경색이 바뀝니다.
    (단,비공감수가 추천수의 1/3 초과시 해당없음)

    죄송합니다. 댓글 작성은 회원만 가능합니다.

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